Name: CTC AS: 64227 IPv4: IPv6: 2001:504:27:0:0:FAE3::1/64 Port: CNS Switch port 5 Route Server and website please! Note: The connection request moved from the Main switch to the CNS Remote. Welcome aboard! -- Jay Hanke CTO Neutral Path Communications 3 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 204 Mankato, MN 56001 (507) 327-2398 mobile
On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 01:43:04PM -0500, Jason Hanke wrote:
Name: CTC AS: 64227 IPv4: IPv6: 2001:504:27:0:0:FAE3::1/64 Port: CNS Switch port 5
Route Server and website please!
Sure, I got the route servers just now. Welcome! -- Doug McIntyre <> ~.~ ipHouse ~.~ Network Engineer/Provisioning/Jack of all Trades
participants (2)
Doug McIntyre
Jason Hanke