Reminder: UG 33 is on Wednesday of this week (October 16) at 3:00pm Remote Conferencing: 952-562-5400 passcode MICE (6423) Location: 511 Building Cafeteria Agenda The agenda is attached. I'm behind on getting this out, so I didn't send a separate call for agenda. If you have something to add, let me know ASAP and I'll send an updated agenda. I'd like to try the modified ordering again. The idea here is to group business (official reports and things that could involve a motion/vote) before open discussion. This way, people who are not interested in the discussion can leave earlier if they wish, confident that they won't miss an official motion/vote. By shortening the "mandatory" part of the meeting, this may make the meetings more accessible. I'd like to give this a try for a couple meetings and see what people think. The UG 32 draft minutes are also attached. -- Richard
participants (1)
Richard Laager