On 02/05/2018 03:39 PM, Brady Kittel wrote:
> Just putting the words "confidential" on a quote or document doesn't
> generate an automatic contractual NDA as much as vendors might wish it does.
I'm not going to rehash points already made, but I do want to add that
the ambiguity can go both ways. Sometimes when you make a point of
pushing things, they end up going the opposite way you wanted. For
example, if I push back on this, we could get confirmation that it's
totally fine to share the pricing publicly. Or, we could get an explicit
requirement of a real NDA on that pricing. The latter would require
changes to our existing treasurer's reports.
I'm not saying this is the case, because as I noted, it hasn't been
discussed at all either way with this particular vendor. So I was taking
the "let sleeping dogs lie" approach.
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