Thanks Dave- We're careful about this, especially in the metro area. We'll double check our unlicensed stuff down there. Ryan On Jun 19, 2013, at 6:07 PM, "David Farmer" <farmer@UMN.EDU<mailto:farmer@UMN.EDU>> wrote: The University received a courtesy call from the Doppler radar people at KSTP about interference on the 5.57G band they use for sever weather tracking. Their next step is to call the FCC, but they would rather whoever is causing this interference to stop, rather than have people's gear confiscated, fines or whatever. We know at least a few of you have wireless gear in the Dinkytown area thought we would pass along a note along to all of you. I'm sure most of you know this, but just in case you don't, if you are running radio gear at or around 5.57 Ghz (Wifi channels 108, 112) you need pay attention to this issue, especially in this part of town with KSTP's radar nearby. There are conditions to the opening of this spectrum for public use that require shutdown in the presence of Doppler radio. (often referred to as DFS) (Publication Number: 443999 Rule Parts: 15E"<>. FCC<>. October 5, 2009. "Devices must be professionally installed when operating in the 5470 – 5725 MHz band") Since KSTP's radar facility is just up the street from campus, it has been our experience that it is best just not to use those frequencies at all, they seem to run the radar all the time. The dish they use has very high gain, so something as small signal-wise as Wifi or cordless microphones could be the issue. So, the source might not be outside and may not be very powerful. The vector for this interference is parallel to University Ave, and is likely high above the ground, maybe as much as 150ft, but given the elevation changes in this part of town that could be misleading. We are double checking all our gear and with our other departments within the University. We were thinking maybe the Chateau or one of the other several new apartment buildings in the area could be the source and thought we should give you all a heads up. Thanks. ________________________________ To unsubscribe from the MICE-DISCUSS list, click the following link: ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the MICE-DISCUSS list, click the following link: