I think graphing the VC links is a fantastic idea, if we can figure out how to do that. Do we know what JunOS they're running? I think our combined Cacti powers are strong enough to make this happen :) Couple of things I'm thinking of: -Loss is fairly low low and fairly consistent...(e.g. not time of day sensitive...I think Jeremy confirmed this). Also, I don't see a latency spike like you might see with saturation...it feels more like clock slips. (Maybe backplane stuff acts/feels different, I don't know.) -As jay mentioned, a good majority of traffic is CDN -> Eyeball. But I it doesn't seem like there would be a whole lot of CDN traffic leaving the 4200 that would generate enough traffic to cause stack congestion. (We only see loss in one direction). But...that's something we can probably rule out easy enough. For additional data...I'd be curious to see the output of the various "show virtual-chassis" commands Andrew suggested: show virtual-chassis vc-path source-interface ge-1/0/15 destination-interface xe-0/0/14 show virtual-chassis vc-path source-interface ge-1/0/15 destination-interface xe-2/0/11 ~Matthew On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 9:30 AM, Andrew Hoyos <hoyosa@gmail.com> wrote:
Are we graphing the VC links?
SNMP support for that came in 14.something, otherwise, there is a SLAX script that can put values in the util mib: https://kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id= KB27711&actp=search https://github.com/dgarros/juniper-ex-vcp-to-mib/blob/master /ex-vcp-to-mib.slax
I know that the interfaces themselves are clean, as Doug showed us, but that doesn’t rule out microbursts that are maxing them out.