So assuming paperwork happens in a timely fashion, donations after the filing date would be tax deductible for 2016?  Is that the agreed upon direction?  If so, I would suggest we get some end of year charitable giving going on.  I would be interested in participating.  What do the lawyers say about 2016 vs. 2017 status?

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 Larry Patterson  
 Chief Technology Officer
 Atomic Data®  //  Safe. Simple. Smart.

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> On Oct 24, 2016, at 21:47, Richard Laager <rlaager@WIKTEL.COM> wrote:
>> On 10/24/2016 08:54 PM, Larry Patterson wrote:
>> Is MICE a non-profit yet or will it be by End of year?
> Not yet, and I can't guarantee it.
> I'm currently waiting on the Minnesota Secretary of State's office to
> accept a filing. I expected it to be done last week. I'm doing some
> overnight maintenance, so my schedule is off-cycle of normal business
> hours. I've emailed them just now to inquire about the status.
> Once that is done, I'll request certified copies, which I expect to take
> a few days. Assuming the rest of the board has no objections, I'll sign
> and file the IRS form.
> I'm gone for a couple weeks starting next week. So this may get delayed
> until I'm back. But worst case, this really should be mailed to the IRS
> no later than November 18th.
> --
> Richard

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