I thought some sort of loop detection / storm control was configured recently? Do we need to revisit that? Seems like shutting down a port (even if a leaf node) at 10% broadcast limit would be better than effecting the whole exchange. With proper config, this shouldn’t be possible (or at least the effects minimized to a single port).

I’d be happy to volunteer time/join a team to help accomplish.

Andrew Hoyos

On Jan 30, 2015, at 4:17 PM, Levi Pederson <levipederson@MANKATONETWORKS.NET> wrote:


We're shifting some traffic onto our 10Gig link, and accidentally created an L2 Loop within the Exchange.  We've since rectified it.

Thank you,

Levi Pederson
Mankato Networks LLC
cell | 612.481.0769
work | 612.787.7392

On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Jeremy Lumby <jlumby@mnvoip.com> wrote:
Just wondering if others are seeing packet loss across the exchange that just started

Jeremy Lumby
Minnesota VoIP
9217 17th Ave S
Suite 216
Bloomington, MN 55425
Main: 612-355-7740 x211
Direct: 612-392-6814
EFax: 952-873-7425

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