Yes, multi-lateral. Thanks for the clarification on the IPv6 address. 

On Thursday, August 15, 2013, Doug McIntyre wrote:
On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 09:11:59AM -0500, Eric Crist wrote:
> Our ASN is 62708 and our IPv4 allocation is  Still waiting on IPv6.

We did IPv6 addressed based on ASN per Owen's suggestion.

That would make you


Are you going to be multi-lateral to the route-reflectors?

Doug McIntyre                            <>
          -- ipHouse/Goldengate/Bitstream/ProNS --
       Network Engineer/Provisioning/Jack of all Trades


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Eric F Crist
System Administrator
ClaimLynx, Inc
(952) 593-5969 x2301

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