On Fri, Sep 09, 2016 at 03:08:14AM +0000, Hannigan, Martin wrote:
Classes create inequities.
Im not in favor of this proposal. Open to discuss, but this degrades the premise of neutrality and equality IMHO.
I'm on team M< right now.
And I agree, it's a great start.
As long as the Sponsorship levels in no way mean you have more voting ability I am not sure how this hurts neutrality or equality. Technically we already do this to some degree on the web site by simply a) listing members and b) listing people/companies that have donated money, equipment or other services. As not all members have donated time, money or resources to the exchange. I am seeing this as: a) members of the exchange are members of the exchange and have voting rights along with a port or ports on the exchange. b) sponsors at any level, may not be exchange members with a port active (like myself) but want to support the efforts of the exchange and would be nice to have voting rights like a member of the exchange has. But I guess I fail to see how you wanting to donate $10k/yr to the exchange for some web site level of recognition vs. my $1000/yr donate all that much power to you. Might be good for some bragging rights somewhere, but again as long as the sponsorship levels in no way give more control/voting rights/etc. over the affairs of the exchange I am not seeing how sponsorship levels hurts equality. Something like this actually I think helps equality for people/companies like mine where we do not have a need of direct ports on the exchange, but indirectly benefit from the exchange and would like to both support the exchange and have some say (a vote) as a member of the exchange. Currently I can't be a voting member of the exchange unless I have an active port, which I don't need, but we actively donate resources and hardware to the exchange. -Nevin -- Nevin Lyne -- Founder & Director of Technology -- Arcustech, LLC. - arcustech.com -- Gippy's Internet Solutions, LLC. - enginehosting.com