   I will have a call with you to discuss this. Lets take it offline.


On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Hannigan, Martin <> wrote:

I haven't heard anything back on this. Can someone let me know where we intend to go with this?



On Dec 6, 2013, at 1:15 AM, "Hannigan, Martin" <> wrote:

> David,
> In no discussion was there a statement about this.
> We would simply ask to opt out.
> Best,
> Marty
>> On Dec 5, 2013, at 19:28, "David Farmer" <farmer@UMN.EDU> wrote:
>>> On 12/5/13, 18:47 , Hannigan, Martin wrote:
>>> On Dec 5, 2013, at 12:52 PM, Anthony Anderberg
>>> <anthonyanderberg@NU-TELECOM.NET
>>> <mailto:anthonyanderberg@NU-TELECOM.NET>> wrote:
>>>> Just so we're all clear:
>>>> The public graph is the aggregate graph that gets exported and linked
>>>> from our home page.  It's a stacked graph where everyone's piece is
>>>> the same green color, partially for simplicity but mostly to obscure
>>>> the details.
>>>> The graph Frank posted is a similar stacked graph, but I've broken the
>>>> traffic out a little (also its ingress vs egress as a way of checking
>>>> accuracy.)  This graph and the more detailed weathermap are password
>>>> protected, although admittedly the password is not particularly robust.
>>>> As Steve mentioned over the course of a couple UG meetings we'd
>>>> decided that members should be able to see the exchange's traffic
>>>> patterns, as they say sunlight can cure a great many things.
>>> We weren't present at the UG's and I don't recall a list discussion. I
>>> don't recall being asked.  It's non-standard for an IXP to do this. It
>>> should be opt in. I'd certainly like to opt out please.
>>>> To the original question, it looks like a number of us are up this
>>>> week – I was thinking it might be holiday shopping.
>>>> If anyone is on from Enventis they might want to consider upgrading
>>>> their port, looks like it's almost at capacity in the evening hours.
>>> If these are supposed to be behind lock and key, we failed.
>>> I'm not logged into anything and that's in the clear.
>> Marty,
>> There have been several discussions with the subject of stats, cacti
>> graphs, etc on the list, since you subscribed in late 2011.  So, it
>> shouldn't be a complete surprise.  But, I'll agree there wasn't a direct
>> discussion of what graphs and statistics should be kept discussed on the
>> list.
>> And, yes, it may have been bad form for Frank to post a graph on the
>> mailing list since it has a public archive.  But, there is a basic
>> password on the graphs themselves.
>> So, that brings up a few things it wouldn't hurt to discuss;
>> 1. Should the list archive be public?
>> 2. If not, what security should the list archive have?
>> 3. What graphs and statistics should be collected?
>> 4. Who should have access to what graphs and statistics?
>> 5. What is the proper security for the graphs and statistics?
>> 6. What is the proper etiquette regarding these graphs and statistics?
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> ================================================
>> David Farmer               Email:
>> Office of Information Technology
>> University of Minnesota
>> 2218 University Ave SE     Phone: 1-612-626-0815
>> Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029  Cell: 1-612-812-9952
>> ================================================
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Reid Fishler
Hurricane Electric

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