I am planning on doing round 3 of moves to the Arista switch on the afternoon of 4/25/17 beginning at 1PM. The following connections to the main switch will be moved: Netflix (Will simultaneously upgrade to 2x100G) Google Hurricane Electric CNS (remote switch feed) Neutral Path (remote switch feed) Vast Broadband DCN Charter Broadband Visions Jaguar Yahoo SDN TDS CloudFlare Fastly Mankato Networks (remote switch feed) MN VoIP (remote switch feed) I suggest that all members listed above, as well as the members connected to the remote switches above shutdown BGP by 12:00PM CST to avoid dropped packets while being moved. Please leave the interface up so that we can test link, as well as the ability to ping the interface IP. Additional notice will be sent immediately before and after the maintenance. Jeremy Lumby Minnesota VoIP 9217 17th Ave S Suite 216 Bloomington, MN 55425 Main: 612-355-7740 x211 Direct: 612-392-6814 EFax: 952-873-7425 jlumby@mnvoip.com