That's fair Richard. It's on me to get the documentation to you and the other member and I will do so in short order. I have been focused on some other things, personally and professionally, and have not made this my priority. I will provide an update NLT Friday of this week. s *Shaun Carlson*Director of Information Technology | Arvig ph: (218) 346-8673 | em: On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:00 AM, Richard Laager <> wrote:
I'd like to request the board provide an actual update on the non-profit status, preferably here before the meeting.
I've been mailing off-list regularly since the last UG, and the answer seems to be that:
1) We need to get some form to someone (lawyers or IRS?).
2) This form may need some financial details.
3) The board member responsible for this is busy and will do this "next week".
It's been "next week" every time.
Another member tells me off-list that they've been doing the same thing, for the same amount of time, and are getting the same answer.
I've so far avoided commenting publicly, but enough is enough. We need to move this along.
-- Richard