Thanks for the feedback. Interface MTU is showing 1500 bytes. Traffic is running -- peering with others without any known issues. This "received unexpected EOF" in the "show ip bgp neighbors" jumps out at me, but my google-fu doesn't reveal anything obvious other than a hint at a TCP checksum issue. Resetting the session again (not the first time) has appeared to resolve it. Interesting that IPv6 is showing a count discrepancy, too: 2001:504:27::d1af:0:1 4 53679 49967 7442 0 0 20:39:29 Estab 2199 2199 2001:504:27::d1af:0:2 4 53679 49962 7442 0 0 20:39:21 Estab 8993 8993 SiouxCenter-Arista-North(s1)#show int e 3/24 Ethernet3/24 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is Ethernet, address is 001c.73d7.6391 Description: to MICE cia CYAN 7/4 Internet address is Broadcast address is IPv6 link-local address is fe80::21c:73ff:fed7:6391/64 IPv6 global unicast address(es): 2001:504:27::d063:0:1, subnet is 2001:504:27::/64 IP MTU 1500 bytes , BW 10000000 kbit Full-duplex, 10Gb/s, auto negotiation: off, uni-link: disabled Up 21 hours, 29 minutes, 16 seconds Loopback Mode : None 5 link status changes since last clear Last clearing of "show interface" counters never 30 seconds input rate 1.85 Gbps (18.8% with framing overhead), 168059 packets/sec 30 seconds output rate 285 Mbps (3.0% with framing overhead), 118650 packets/sec 9241433949 packets input, 12515818295584 bytes Received 1960477 broadcasts, 5282001 multicast 0 runts, 0 giants 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 alignment, 0 symbol, 0 input discards 0 PAUSE input 7518589614 packets output, 2302004527878 bytes Sent 373 broadcasts, 17753 multicast 0 output errors, 0 collisions 0 late collision, 0 deferred, 0 output discards 0 PAUSE output SiouxCenter-Arista-North(s1)# SiouxCenter-Arista-North(s1)#show ip bgp neighbors BGP neighbor is, remote AS 53679, external link Description: MICE_RR_#2 BGP version 4, remote router ID, VRF default Negotiated BGP version 4 Last read 00:00:05, last write 00:00:01 Hold time is 30, keepalive interval is 10 seconds Configured hold time is 30, keepalive interval is 10 seconds Connect timer is inactive Idle-restart timer is inactive BGP state is Established, up for 21:10:51 Number of transitions to established: 3 Last state was OpenConfirm Last event was RecvKeepAlive Last rcvd notification:Cease/maximum number of prefixes reached, Last time 21:28:28 Last rcvd socket-error:received unexpected EOF, Last time 21:23:42, First time 21:26:16, Repeats 7 Neighbor Capabilities: Multiprotocol IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received and negotiated Four Octet ASN: advertised and received Route Refresh: advertised and received and negotiated Send End-of-RIB messages: advertised and received and negotiated Additional-paths recv capability: IPv4 Unicast: advertised Graceful Restart advertised: Restart-time is 300 Restarting: no IPv4 Unicast is enabled, Forwarding State is not preserved Restart timer is inactive End of rib timer is inactive Message Statistics: InQ depth is 0 OutQ depth is 0 Sent Rcvd Opens: 18 3 Notifications: 0 1 Updates: 3426 44814 Keepalives: 7629 8472 Route-Refresh: 0 0 Total messages: 11073 53290 Prefix Statistics: Sent Rcvd IPv4 Unicast: 50 11660 IPv6 Unicast: 0 0 IPv4 SR-TE: 0 0 IPv6 SR-TE: 0 0 Inbound updates dropped by reason: AS path loop detection: 0 Enforced First AS: 10746 Originator ID matches local router ID: 0 Nexthop matches local IP address: 0 Unexpected IPv6 nexthop for IPv4 routes: 0 Nexthop invalid for single hop eBGP: 0 Inbound updates with attribute errors: Resulting in removal of all paths in update (treat-as-withdraw): 0 Resulting in AFI/SAFI disable: 0 Resulting in attribute ignore: 0 Inbound paths dropped by reason: IPv4 labeled-unicast NLRIs dropped due to excessive labels: 0 IPv6 labeled-unicast NLRIs dropped due to excessive labels: 0 Outbound paths dropped by reason: IPv4 local address not available: 0 IPv6 local address not available: 0 Inbound route map is MICE_INBOUND Inbound prefix list for IPv4 unicast is PREMIER_IN_FROM_MICEv4 Outbound prefix list for IPv4 unicast is PREMIER_OUT_TO_MICEv4 Local AS is 53347, local router ID TTL is 1 Local TCP address is, local port is 179 Remote TCP address is, remote port is 23143 Auto-Local-Addr is disabled TCP Socket Information: TCP state is ESTABLISHED Recv-Q: 0/32768 Send-Q: 0/32768 Outgoing Maximum Segment Size (MSS): 1448 Total Number of TCP retransmissions: 0 Options: Timestamps enabled: yes Selective Acknowledgments enabled: yes Window Scale enabled: yes Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) enabled: no Socket Statistics: Window Scale (wscale): 6,7 Retransmission Timeout (rto): 312.0ms Round-trip Time (rtt/rtvar): 108.6ms/2.2ms Delayed Ack Timeout (ato): 40.0ms Congestion Window (cwnd): 10 TCP Throughput: 1.07 Mbps Recv Round-trip Time (rcv_rtt): 64.0ms Advertised Recv Window (rcv_space): 28960 SiouxCenter-Arista-North(s1)# Frank -----Original Message----- From: MICE Discuss <MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET> On Behalf Of Jeremy Lumby Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 7:34 PM To: MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET Subject: Re: [MICE-DISCUSS] Not learning all routes from RR#2 Anthony mentioned MTU. I have had issues in the past with BGP, and larger MTUs. Especially when my router had a larger MTU than the path/destination router. BGP would establish, get a few prefixes, and then time out. I just took a look, and the route servers have a 1500 MTU. Are you set larger? -----Original Message----- From: MICE Discuss [mailto:MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET] On Behalf Of Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 5:32 PM To: MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET Subject: Re: [MICE-DISCUSS] Not learning all routes from RR#2 The two MICE-attached routers I'm responsible for look OK, and about the same as they have looked recently: 4 53679 10130010 700710 305989456 0 0 1y11w 56003 4 53679 9531122 656345 305989456 0 0 1y7w 56001 -- 0 53679 14571189 909087 587718403 0 0 46w5d 55942 0 53679 14593796 908792 587718403 0 0 46w5d 55940 The MICE Looking Glass seems about the same: telnet:// 4 53679 5001870 255450 11721640 0 0 23w0d 56004 4 53679 4998551 255464 11721640 0 0 23w0d 56002 The "no bgp enforce-first-as" config is expected on some platforms: Is traffic flowing normally otherwise? Perhaps you're running into an L1/L2 or MTU issue such that this is a symptom of another problem? Cheers, anthony -----Original Message----- From: MICE Discuss [mailto:MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET] On Behalf Of Frank Bulk Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 1:25 PM To: MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET Subject: [MICE-DISCUSS] Not learning all routes from RR#2 We (AS53347) moved to a new border router overnight and had some issues with getting our MICE route reflector peerings up -- we'd learn a route or two per second. We had to tweak our Arista's BGP configuration to not "enforce-first-as". Most other direct peers were fine. Eventually RR #1 came up just fine, but RR #2 continues to languish, learning just learning about 10,900 routes. SiouxCenter-Arista-North(s1)#show ip bgp sum BGP summary information for VRF default Router identifier, local AS number 18883 Neighbor Status Codes: m - Under maintenance Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent InQ OutQ Up/Down State PfxRcd PfxAcc 4 53679 44493 4138 0 0 10:56:46 Estab 56188 56188 4 53679 39124 7640 0 0 11:38:40 Estab 10929 10929 I'm not sure if we have remote access to the RR's, but whoever does, any hints as to why we're experiencing this behavior? Frank