Easiest migration is to leave the last octet the same for everything.  Quick regex replace and your old BGP configs have been copied to the new address range.  If you start messing with the assigned last octets, it's just an added headache.  


On Aug 22, 2012, at 3:30 PM, Mike Horwath wrote:

BTW: what am I gonna use for the route servers for IP addresses?

I'm guessing, cause of the idea before, that it should just end in .1
and .2 again.


If so I should be ready to change over to the new /24 and then
secondary these addresses for later removal - I can update the
interfaces during the switch downtime.

Mike Horwath      ipHouse - Welcome home!       drechsau@iphouse.net
       The universe is an island, surrounded by whatever it is
       that surrounds universes. - Berkeley Fortune


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