
The EX3300 has 4 TenGig Ports.

Assuming 4 Lagged Ports you could add another 4 10Gig Client Ports

There is a possibility of oversubscribing to increase the number of available ports to 6 total additional client facing ports but that could run into some issues if there were ever a hard sell on Traffic.

Thank you,

Levi Pederson
Mankato Networks LLC
cell | 612.481.0769
work | 612.787.7392

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Shaun Carlson <> wrote:

Arvig has a couple of brand new EX3300's that we have never used and have no need for.  Would there be any immediate use or benefit to the exchange if we were to donate these boxes?  Could we use them to relieve any immediate strain until we can make our "long-term" purchase.



Shaun Carlson
Senior Manager of Information Technology | 
ph: (218) 346-8673 | em:

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