On Jul 30, 2012, at 09:57 , Dan Boehlke wrote:
9000+ prefixes in the BGPv6 table can't be wrong.
:D +1
Owen, can you send your squad of IPv6 evangelism ninjas over to Mike's house and correct this attitude.
A crack IPv6 Commando Unit is on its way as we speak.
I vote that the people still using IPv4 when the rest of us have gone IPv6 and started to turn off IPv4 be called Horwathites. (like Luddites.)
And someone questioned it when I suggested that dual-stack peering on the exchange should be discounted vs. IPv4 only. I rest my case!
If Mike's message wasn't a metaphorical wooden shoe being tossed into the gears, then I just don't know any more.
Our commandos will confiscate all of mikes Sabo. Owen
-- Dan Boehlke Sr. Network Engineer TIES Technical Services dan.boehlke@ties.k12.mn.us 651-999-6213 www.ties.k12.mn.us
On Jul 30, 2012, at 11:22 AM, David Farmer <farmer@umn.edu> wrote:
On 7/30/12 11:02 CDT, Mike Horwath wrote:
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:00:34AM -0500, Justin Krejci wrote:
No IPv6?
But no one uses IPv6...
Really no one?
I have to disagree, since IPv6 launch we have seen a significant increase in IPv6 traffic. Yes, most of our traffic is still IPv4, but IPv6 is now at least a few percent instead of a few 100ths of a percent.
So, I would say no one.
-- =============================================== David Farmer Email:farmer@umn.edu Networking & Telecommunication Services Office of Information Technology University of Minnesota 2218 University Ave SE Phone: 612-626-0815 Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029 Cell: 612-812-9952 ===============================================
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