I think the cap is global. So the only way to vary the load would be bgp magic.


On Oct 30, 2011 10:59 AM, "Mike Wilker" <mwilker@jagcom.net> wrote:
Are different providers able to contribute varied amounts of bandwidth to the pool?

Mike Wilker
Chief Technical Officer
Jaguar Communications

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 10:52 AM, Justin Krejci <jkrejci@usinternet.com> wrote:
Dave is getting that ball rolling already on his side. So I think by Monday we should be able to take a look and do any AS padding or other tuning if necessary and then have Marty open it back up again to full speed.

------Original Message------
From: Jay Hanke
Sender: MICE Discuss
ReplyTo: MICE Discuss
Subject: Re: [MICE-DISCUSS] FYI: Hurricane Electric changed to 10Gig
Sent: Oct 30, 2011 10:32 AM

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Mike Wilker <mwilker@jagcom.net> wrote:
> The last I saw from Mr. Farmer was that they were talking to Akamai about
> the UofM providing the needed bandwidth.  Should we be waiting for the
> results of that before seeing about other members chipping in?

Dave is planning to open up some of their peering connections to help.
We're going to need more to keep up with growth even if the new
connection offloads 50%, we're still just about full.



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