On 10/27/11 13:55 CDT, Mike Horwath wrote:
On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 01:49:36PM -0500, Hannigan, Martin wrote:
It's not offline. Our NOC inadvertently shut it off after I had asked them to simply place a cap on the amount of capacity it would push. That was fixed this morning. I would've seen it sooner myself, but I'm in Senegal at the moment.
So this had nothing to do with USI then?
I am still pretty confused.
I have 2 reasons right now for outage:
USI has a proposal into Akamai regarding<something>
The amount of transit necessary for cache fill is more the USI was told and is causing some congestion for them. We are proposing to Akamai and UMN supplements the inbound transit for cache fill of the node.
Akamai inadvertently shut it off after a cap was put into place
This is the cause of the outage, not the cause of the initial problem that most people weren't aware of.
but neither is really giving me an answer.
Is the problem that USI donated bandwdith and some cap was exceeded for feeding the Akamai cluster?
If that's the case, what is the cap?
There isn't a cap but there was congestion.
Can the load be shared amongst some/all providers for the benefit of the exchange point?
We are talking to Akamai about the issue.
Is the problem that Akamai exceeded an internal cap for feeding into MICE's network and it needed to be adjusted?
If that's the case, what was the cap? What is it now?
Is there anything others can do to help alleviate this in the future?
Over the summer we were averaging 800Mb to 1Gb of combine cache fill and TCP ACK traffic, and serving a total of 2 to 2.5G of content out of our node to both MICE and GigaPOP participants. At peak the two nodes seem to be serving 2.5 to 3G, but I'm not really confident of those number because we really haven't got everything settled in yet, I'd like to see a week or two of sustained numbers before I believe we've settled in. -- =============================================== David Farmer Email:farmer@umn.edu Networking & Telecommunication Services Office of Information Technology University of Minnesota 2218 University Ave SE Phone: 612-626-0815 Minneapolis, MN 55414-3029 Cell: 612-812-9952 =============================================== ######################################################################## To unsubscribe from the MICE-DISCUSS list, click the following link: http://lists.iphouse.net/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=MICE-DISCUSS&A=1