On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 06:25:02PM +0000, Frank Bulk wrote:
Eventually RR #1 came up just fine, but RR #2 continues to languish, learning just learning about 10,900 routes. 4 53679 44493 4138 0 0 10:56:46 Estab 56188 56188 4 53679 39124 7640 0 0 11:38:40 Estab 10929 10929
Hmm, odd. The configs are kept in sync with each other. The machines are virtually identical, plus or minus some minor hardware difference. The # of prefixes each has isn't signifigantly different. micemn-01 58611 micemn-02 58581 I show no errors logged by BIRD for AS 18883 The # of routes I see from RR#2 matches. 53679 196371 19684 0 98 6d 11:17:58 Establ inet.0: 79/56094/55912/182 53679 196440 19686 0 72 6d 11:18:03 Establ inet.0: 1562/56092/55910/182 Also, I see I had more active routes get established via RR#2, but that is just whatever my router choose. So, not seeing that at the RR's, or here? -- Doug McIntyre <merlyn@iphouse.net> ~.~ ipHouse ~.~ Network Engineer/Provisioning/Jack of all Trades