I am at Nanog until the Beer and Gear, and then I am off to Capacity in Toronto...


On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 9:48 PM, Owen DeLong <owend@he.net> wrote:
I would hope someone more knowledgeable than I will be available to represent MICE during the peering BoF, but if you guys want me to do so, tell me what you want said. I'll be there anyway.


On Oct 19, 2012, at 3:53 PM, "Koch, Andrew" <andrew.koch@tdstelecom.com> wrote:

> I will be in Dallas next week for NANOG.  I see there are a few other names on the attendee list that are MICE participants.  Make sure to say hello, especially if you haven't yet renumbered your peering session and want confirm it is up after you make the change -- nudge, nudge.
> Is anyone planning to represent MICE during the Peering Track?  There has typically be a few minutes for IXes to provide updates on goings-on.  Might be a good time to put our name out there and show an example of what community supported peering can accomplish.  I'd be willing to do so, unless Jay or someone else already has cared for this.  If you would like for me to do this, can someone share an editable copy of the MICE presentation?
> Andy Koch
> TDS Telecom - IP Network Operations
> andrew.koch@tdstelecom.com
> Desk: 608-664-4694
> Cell: 608-616-0072
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Reid Fishler
Hurricane Electric

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