I turned up a couple of BGP sessions across the Ridgeview MICE switch now. At this moment we are pushing close to 10gbps.

I will continue tomorrow to get more BGP sessions going.

From: MICE Discuss <MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET> on behalf of Steve Howard <showard@PAULBUNYAN.NET>
Sent: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [MICE-DISCUSS] MICE Ridgeview Traffic
Paul Bunyan Communications moved one of our MICE connections to Ridgeview today.  We had a few minor issues that caused us to re-route traffic back to 511 temporarily.  But, everything is looking good now. 

We hope that other MICE members will consider adding a connection (or moving one) to Ridgeview.  This will help give everybody some protection against a failure at the main site!

On 8/1/23 14:21, Jay Hanke wrote:
Running about 18G of traffic on the new MICE Ridgeview switch!


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