8:19 pm: OSP has reported that Underground crew has arrived on site. They will begin excavation within the next few minutes. There is no ETTR at this time. More updates to follow.




From: Frank Bulk
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 7:15 PM
Subject: RE: [MICE-DISCUSS] lost MICE


6:58 pm: No Change in Update. OSP has located the damage between 130th and 140th along highway 60 in Sibley IA. Looks like land owner or contractor trenched through the cable. Cable is completely severed. Underground crew is in route and are trying to get around flooded roads. ETA is 30 mins. More updates to follow as we receive them.




From: Frank Bulk
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 6:00 PM
Subject: RE: [MICE-DISCUSS] lost MICE


4:47 pm: No Change in Update. OSP has located the damage between 130th and 140th along highway 60 in Sibley IA. Looks like land owner or contractor trenched through the cable. Cable is completely severed. Underground crew is in route with ETA of 2 - 2.5 hours. More updates to follow as we receive them.


5:51 pm: No Change in Update. OSP has located the damage between 130th and 140th along highway 60 in Sibley IA. Looks like land owner or contractor trenched through the cable. Cable is completely severed. Underground crew is in route with ETA of 30-45 mins. More updates to follow as we receive them.




From: Frank Bulk
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 2:56 PM
Subject: RE: [MICE-DISCUSS] lost MICE


2:42 pm: OSP has reported that splicer is in route and has a ETA of 30 mins. More updates to follow.


Note that the location listed in the ticket is incorrect – I’ve communicated the correct address (130th and Hwy 60) to Zayo’s NCC and they’ve acknowledged receipt of that.


If they do get onsite by 3:15 pm it will have been about 10 hours since the initial cut.




From: MICE Discuss <MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET> On Behalf Of Frank Bulk
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: [MICE-DISCUSS] lost MICE


12:35 pm: OSP reported they are trying to get resources to the damage location. Damage appears to be right off of I60 and 170th in Sibley IA. ETA or 2.5 hours at 10:58 AM CDT, so splicers should be on-site shortly. More updates to follow.

12:43 pm: OSP reported Splicer is in route to the damage location right off of I60 and 170th in Sibley IA. ETA is approximately 1.5 hrs. More updates to follow.




From: MICE Discuss <MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET> On Behalf Of Frank Bulk
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [MICE-DISCUSS] lost MICE


Another update from Zayo:


10:30 OSP reported they are trying to get resources to the damage location. Damage appears to be right off of I60 and 170th in Sibley IA. Currently there is no ETA for techs. More updates to follow.




From: MICE Discuss <MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET> On Behalf Of Frank Bulk
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: [MICE-DISCUSS] lost MICE


First two updates from Zayo:


9:48 am: Your case has been associated with a higher level outage ticket, your ticket number will remain the same. The latest update is as follows: Zayo is experiencing a network event between SIOUX CITY, IA and MANKATO MN affecting multiple customers. The appropriate resources have been engaged for repairs. At this time, OSP is en route to the suspected trouble location to begin investigating. No ETA available as of yet.


10:21 am: Our OSP crews are en route to begin investigations. More updates to follow.




From: MICE Discuss <MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET> On Behalf Of Frank Bulk
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: [MICE-DISCUSS] lost MICE


Turns out that the fiber got hit by a tiler in our area, by 130th and Hwy 60 (https://www.google.com/maps?q=hwy+60+and+130th,+sibley&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS814US815&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjcyZ_sht_iAhVRCKwKHZE6DGsQ_AUIECgB) in Sibley, Iowa.  The tiler called one of our techs and the farmer called another one of our techs, inquiring if it was our fiber or not (it’s not).  The tiler reported hitting a line below the tape.


I opened a ticket with Zayo’s NCC email address about 35 minutes ago, and haven’t yet received an acknowledgement, but once I do I will inform them of the location.




From: MICE Discuss <MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET> On Behalf Of Frank Bulk
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [MICE-DISCUSS] lost MICE


Yes, same thing, between 7:25 and 7:26 am our 10G link went down.  I assume it’s an issue between Sioux City and Belle Plaine.




From: MICE Discuss <MICE-DISCUSS@LISTS.IPHOUSE.NET> On Behalf Of James Urwiller
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 7:58 AM
Subject: [MICE-DISCUSS] lost MICE


I lost MICE again over ZAYO about 30 minutes ago.. anyone else?


James Urwiller

Network Architect

Stealth Broadband





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