Well articulated, as always, David. Thank you. I am in favor of the use of static MAC ACL, even if that requires manual changes to that ACL, and the additional coordination that may consume. A few thoughts, though.... Maybe 1G links are exempt from this? Since a couple second switching loop from a 1G port is not as impactful? ????? Thoughts from others, please. Using a static MAC ACL could make troubleshooting a failure more problematic. For example, replacing a line card to "see if that fixes the issue" could send a tech down a trail of red hearings. Even if the member is fully aware that they need to coordinate the MAC change, this sort work is often being done in response to an unexpected outage. The added time spend on the coordination could be seen as frustrating. But, for some members it's not a big deal, and can use other links until their MICE connectivity is restored. I've heard that some members are using a virtual MAC address, which is probably the way to avoid needing to coordinate in the first place.